After looking at a few light displays, trudging through the mud, walking on dangerous plastic walkways, we finished walking through in about 30-40 minutes? Then to a small tent that was overcrowded, chaotic and had only a few stands that had food left that wasn’t worth eating. By the time she got it open, the guard didn’t even look, it was “just an exercise” he said.

We then went through security to then have my daughter be asked to prove she is a student (because my wife bought a student ticket) by showing her student email. Click on the electric box near the kitchen for next puzzle. An hour after getting through the waiting line, we were held up, being told that the park was at capacity and had to wait another 10 or 15 minutes. Click on the gate for your very first puzzle to open the gate Go in the kitchen, pick up the lemons and the diagram on the shelf. Set off across mysterious grounds to discover a celestial pathway of lustrous light, cosmic visions, and astral. Seemed like some people just walked in the vip line to bypass the line. The stars are descending from the night sky. There was only one line for ticket holders and for people buying tickets. My wife went online and I went to see if we were on the right one. We then found the line which seemed about an hour long. We then started walking, unsure of where to walk, as there were no signs again showing where to walk.

After driving around we finally found the parking. Upon arriving, there were no signs indicating where to park. I was fine with paying the $20 parking fee for the convenience of getting there and back quickly. I was excited to go to this with my wife and daughter as a holiday event. Unfortunately we had to learn this the hard way and I’m never booking any events in the future without looking at reviews ever again. The previews and videos were FALSE ADVERTISING at its finest.

The staff are extremely rude and it’s obviously this whole “event” was a money making scheme. It is EXTREMELY unsafe and they are doing nothing but setting themselves up for lawsuit because there are kids and they can get seriously injured there. We saw everything within 30min and towards the end I felt like I needed to just get out of there alive and intact and in one piece because my face was numb from cold and I kept on slipping on the muddy ground and plastic platforms. We have subjected ourselves and our kids to pure torture/ harsh and unsafe conditions for absolutely nothing. All of the reviews written here are 100% true.
There were a couple of food vendors but the lines were so long you would have to wait an hour in the freezing cold just to get some fries or Mac and cheese. I wouldn’t even pay $5 for this let alone the 150$ we spent for tickets+ 20$ parking and toll. The tickets are being oversold so much that you cannot even see anything due to the crowds.
If you have a baby forget about walking through all that with a stroller in tow and not to mention the crowd. Lumino City - Walkthrough / Playthrough PC Episode 7, No CommentaryIn this episode - The Park Part 2/2Lumino City is a BAFTA award-winning handmade puzzle ad. You will be waiting in line 2+ hours in the freezing 30 degree weather only to trek through MUD and plastic platforms that are uneven and moving. Yes, it was all false advertising there’s nothing to see but few areas of themed lighting for a huge price (and I’m not even talking the $40+ a person price). think FYRE FESTIVAL SCAM on a smaller scale. Discover gardens in the sky, towers marooned high on an immense waterwheel, and houses dug precariously into cliffs. By exploring the city, and using your ingenuity piece together all sorts of puzzling mechanisms to help the people who live in its unique world. Let me give you an example of what this was exactly. Lumino City is an award-winning hand-made Puzzle Adventure game. in fact, pick up your skirts, pants whatever and not walk but Run the opposite direction. If you are thinking of purchasing tickets to this event save your $$$. Resep kue bolu kering dan basah penisnya Best combo amp for classic rock.

To create the environment, a ten foot high model. Buyers beware !! This is a CAUTIONARY TALE. Lumino City - Lumino City is a BAFTA award-winning handmade puzzle adventure game. Discuss your favorite titles, find a new one to play or share the game you developed.Biggest SCAM NY has seen in a while !!!! Well played to the investors who came up with this.